Jeep brought a lot of attention to the Jeep ducking trend at the Detroit auto show this year.
You may have heard about people “ducking a Jeep,” where they leave a small rubber duck
on random jeeps when they are out in public. Sometimes the duck includes a written
message or a compliment, and sometimes they simply leave the duck on the hood.
I first learned about it when my wife brought home a little duck that someone had left on our Jeep. Since that time, we have collected a few more. So, I ask her if Jeep ducking is only for Wranglers. She didn’t know. So I wanted to find out.
According to the Official Ducking Jeep Facebook group, created by Allison Parliament, any Jeep can be ducked no matter what shape or size. However, in practice, most people only duck Wranglers because they are perceived as the coolest Jeeps.
Ms. Parliament started Duck Duck Jeep in Ontario, Canada, because she wanted to make people smile. After leaving a duck with the message “Cool Jeep” on it, she posted it on Instagram, and the trend started. Duck Duck Jeep has grown into a global phenomenon, with Jeep owners throughout the world ducking other Jeeps.
Continue reading to learn all about Jeep ducking, what it means, and how you can participate.
Any Jeep Can Be Ducked, But Wranglers Are The Most Popular By Far
Jeep ducking began in the summer of 2020 when its creator, Allison Parliament, saw a Jeep that was lifted and tricked out. She grabbed a rubber duck from her car, wrote “Cool Jeep,” and left it on the door. Then, she took a photo and posted it on Instagram with the caption, #duckduckJeep.
Not only did she get more than 2,000 likes on her photo, but she started a movement within the Jeep community. It now has become a global trend, and Ms. Parliament herself has witnessed Jeep brand vehicles ducked in all of the US states, Canada, and Europe.
The official Facebook Ducking Jeep page says that any Jeep brand vehicle can be ducked.
People can participate by writing a message on a rubber duck, leaving it on the Jeep, and
snapping a photo to post on Instagram and Facebook with the hashtag #duckduckJeep.
But although you can leave the duck on any type of Jeep brand vehicle, Wranglers are the most commonly ducked. In this video, Haley Leddon demonstrates how fun ducking Jeeps can be. You can see in the video that she only ducks Wranglers.
What Are the Jeep Ducking Rules?
After the founder saw how many people liked her original photo, she and her cousin talked about the idea of continuing this trend on a larger scale. She created a page on Instagram, the Duck Duck Jeep page, as well as a Facebook page, and today these pages have more than 50,000 followers.
The rules are straightforward. You keep a bag of little rubber ducks in your car. When you
see a Jeep that you want to duck, you do it. You can write a message or sign your name.
There are some ducks out there that Jeep owners pass on, and they have the names of all of the previous recipients.
Some businesses are taking advantage of the trend and are starting to advertise their company name on ducks. You can take a photo when you duck a Jeep and upload it to Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #duckduckJeep.
What Is the Point of Jeep Ducking?
Jeeps are useful and fun, and Jeep owners are known for loving their Jeeps and having different brand traditions. Jeep ducking started it to spread kindness and make people smile. Allison Parliament had no idea that her trend would become a massive global movement, but Jeep owners started placing rubber ducks on hoods, inside door handles, and on the windows of Jeeps to spread the Jeep love.
While the main purpose of this fun activity is to spread kindness to Jeep owners, people also use it to share support for different movements. Some people place ducks in police uniforms to “back the blue,” while others hand out military ducks to support the armed forces. Various events give out ducks for promotion, and some businesses hand out ducks with their logo.
Where Do You Get The Ducks?

The key element of this fun game is little rubber ducks, similar to those children use in the bathtub. However,
since this trend has exploded, you can find many styles online through a number of retailers. Jeep Gear even sells its own ducks, and Amazon has an assortment for you.
You can find ducks with many different themes, including holiday themes, sports, beach ducks, and more. Most people start out with a bag of ducks and a sharpie. Some people match the color of the duck to the color of the Jeep, while others stick with one type of Jeep. You can be creative and choose your ducks and personalize them.
Some people track the ducks as they make their way from Jeep to Jeep. One of the reasons that this is fun for Jeep owners is that they can get creative and choose any rubber ducks they want.
Can You Play If You Don’t Have a Jeep?
Anyone can play this game whether they own a Jeep or not. You ‘play the game’ by placing a duck on a Jeep, so you can carry your ducks around and participate. It is unlikely that anyone will duck your car unless it is a Jeep, but you can certainly spread the smiles.
You may get ducked if you have a Jeep that is not a Wrangler, but Wranglers are definitely the most commonly ducked vehicle. If you want to participate, buy your ducks and spread the cheer.
What Should a Message Say?
The very first message from the founder read, “Cool Jeep.” Since then, people have become creative. This movement is meant to spread smiles, so your message should be kind. You can compliment the Jeep or tell the owner to “Have a nice day.” You can sign your name and city and say, “Pass it on” to see how far your duck travels.
Some people use ducks for promotion, and others leave the duck without a message. Be creative when you duck a Jeep, and do what feels right to you.
Not Everyone Like The Jeep Ducking Movement
You would think that this fan activity can not possibly have haters, but that’s not the case. There are over 80 comments from Jeep owners in this Reddit post. While most people enjoy the trend, others disagree.
One person said that he is not a fan of the trend. Another said that it is fun for kids, dumb for adults. Some even go further. A Jeep owner said that when he gets them, he tosses them in the trash.
Final Words
Jeep ducking is a fun trend that has been gaining steam for several years. Although
Wranglers are the primary targets, you can duck any model of Jeep. If you don’t have a Jeep, you can still play by ducking Jeeps you see around town. This is a fun trend that is meant to put a smile on your face.
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